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The PRV(V=Vertical) 1600-2800 watt models are metal-clad,
wire-wound, high-power resistors designed for industrial
and other applications.
Our extruded aluminum housing provides rugged and strong protection.
These model are available with Tab terminals. The most
common applications for these models are motor drives,
braking and snubber applications and power sources for
industrial equipment.

Model Rated Power Resistance
With Heat Sink In Free Air Inductive
PRV 1600 1600W 590W 1.0 - 76 F[¡¾1%]
PRV 2000 2000W 660W 1.0 - 86
PRV 2400 2400W 740W 1.0 - 92
PRV 2800 2800W 750W 1.0 - 96
Values in [ ] mean change in §Ù after test
Temperature Range -55¡É~280¡É
Insulation Resistance 20M§Ù minimum
Dielectric Withstanding
Available options : AC 1500V, 2500V, 3500V, 4500V for 1minute,
                          (Max leakage current : 2mA)
Temp. Coefficient
Short Time Overload
¡¾[3%+0.05§Ù] 5-10 x power rating - in 5 seconds
Moisture Resistance
¡¾[3%+0.05§Ù] 40¡É, 95%RH, DC100V case to terminal(500hrs)
Thermal Shock
¡¾[5%+0.05§Ù] Power rating 30 min., -40¡É, 15minutes
¡¾[2%+0.05§Ù] 10Hz - 55Hz - 10Hz(1min.), 2hrs each direction
Moisture Load Life

¡¾[3%+0.05§Ù] 40¡É, 95%RH, 0.1x POWER rating,
                    1.5h.on, 30min. off, 500hours.

Load Life ¡¾[5%+0.05§Ù] Power rating 1.5h. on, 30min. off, 500hours.
Model Dimensions [mm] Weight [kg]
L1¡¾2 L2¡¾2 L3¡¾2 H¡¾1 W¡¾0.5
PRV 1600 330 315 290 92 60 2.5
PRV 2000 440 425 400 92 60 3.4
PRV 2400 480 465 440 92 60 3.7
PRV 2800 550 535 510 92 60 4.3
Model 5.5§± 2§±
PRV 1600 Option 2.5§Ù ~
PRV 2000 Option 3.2§Ù ~
PRV 2400 Option 4.0§Ù ~
PRV 2800 Option 4.5§Ù ~