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The PRV(V=Vertical) & PRH(H=Horizontal) models are metal-clad, wire-wound, high-power resistors designed for
industrial and other applications. Our extruded aluminum housing provides rugged and strong protection. These models are available with flying leads or tab terminals and can be ordered with inductive or non-inductive windings. Most common applications for these models are motor drives, braking and snubber applications and power sources for
industrial equipment.

Model Wattage with Heat Sink Resistance Range (§Ù) Resistance Tolerance
Inductive Non-Inductive
PRV/ PRH  60 60 0.1 - 270 0.1 - 5.6


PRV/ PRH  80 80 0.1 - 910 0.1 - 110
PRV/ PRH 100 100 0.1 - 1.1K 0.1 - 240
PRV/ PRH 120 120 0.1 - 1.3K 0.1 - 300
PRV/ PRH 150 150 0.1 - 1.6K 0.1 - 390
PRV/ PRH 200 200 0.1 - 2.2K 0.1 - 1K
PRV/ PRH 300 300 0.1 - 2.7K 0.1 - 1.5K
PRV/ PRH 400 400 0.1 - 4.3K 0.1 - 2.2K
PRV/ PRH 500 500 0.1 - 6.8K 0.1 - 3K
Also availiable in extended ohmic ranges of 1m§Ù to 750K§Ù
Values in [ ] mean change in §Ù after test
Temperature Range -55¡É~+200¡É
Insulation Resistance 20M§Ù minimum
Dielectric Strength
Available options : AC 1500V, 3500V, 4500V, 5400V(Max. leakage current : 2mA)
Temp. Coefficient
¡¾260ppm/¡É maximum
Short Time Overload
¡¾[2%+0.05§Ù] 10 x wattage rating -5 seconds
Moisture Resistance
¡¾[3%+0.05§Ù] 40¡É, 95% RH, DC100V case to terminal(500hrs.)
Thermal Shock
¡¾[2%+0.05§Ù] Wattage rating - 30 minutes, -25¡É-15minutes
¡¾[1%+0.05§Ù] 10Hz - 55Hz - 10Hz (1minute) 2hrs, each direction
Moisture Load Life

¡¾[3%+0.05§Ù] 40¡É, 95%RH, 0.1x wattage rating,
                    1.5hrs-on, 30minute-off, 500hrs.

Load Life ¡¾[5%+0.05§Ù] Wattage rating 1.5hrs. -on, 30minutes-off, 500hrs.
Model Dimension Weight(g) Flying Leads
L1¡¾2 L2¡¾2 L3¡¾2 W¡¾0.5 H¡¾0.5 D1¡¾0.5 D2¡¾0.5 a b PRH PRV 8§± 5.5§± 2§± 1.25§±
PRV/ PRH  60 100 87 60 41 22 4.3 8.65 10 12 110 113 X X




PRV/ PRH  80 150 137 110 41 22 4.3 8.65 10 12 195 189 X X
PRV/ PRH 100 165 152 125 41 22 4.3 8.65 10 12 216 215 X X
PRV/ PRH 120 182 169 142 41 22 4.3 8.65 10 12 245 241 X X
PRV/ PRH 150 210 197 170 41 22 4.3 8.65 10 12 283 290 X X
PRV/ PRH 200 165 146 125 60 30 5.3 12 13 17 485 447












PRV/ PRH 300 215 196 175 60 30 5.3 12 13 17 600 600
PRV/ PRH 400 265 246 225 60 30 5.3 12 13 17 770 780
PRV/ PRH 500 335 316 295 60 30 5.3 12 13 17 990 980